Blog 3#-Super powers

My super power would be superspeed

Superspeed makes you so fast that it makes everything look around you like it is moving in slow-motion. Superspeed will let you do everything in super-speed like speaking fast, running fast,  thinking fast ex. You can run up buildings, you can run on water, you can run so fast you break time and reality. you can just go so fast you slow down everything so you have lots of time to do stuff. you can do the dishes fast or just chores fast like, pick up dog poop, sweeping. You can become a superhero.

How fast can The Flash run? | Watch | The Take

Blog #1- Bio-Poem


Funny, Happy, Fast, Young

Son of Maria and Matt

Lover of Food, Family, and Friends

Who feels happy when it’s Friday and sad when It is Sunday, and excited to see family

Who fears death, heights, and snakes

Who would like to see Japan, London, and the Grand canyon

A resident of Springfield Oregon


Blog #2-Travel Destination

My travel destination would be France

I would love to see the sunset from the Eiffel Tower. I would take a Seine River Cruise. I would take a stroll through the Charming old Quarters of Paris. I would make a trip to the  Mont Saint-Michel. I would Attend the Royal Serenade at the Chateau de Versailles. I would relax at a beautiful beach resort. I would attend the summer festival in Carcassonne. Last but not least go sailing in Saint-Tropez.